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Just saw recently a TV show - looking back at TV events in 2005 - with Oliver Kalkofe. I was sooo much laughing that I woke up my sleeping wife, He is currently the best satirical comedian in Germany. Check out his website (in German).


Want incredible pictures from diving in the Beqa Lagoon of Fiji? Then check out Lawaki Beach House and download 65 beautiful pictures as a PDF file. I was only able to compile them after Richard Schneider sent me his lovely pictures.


Tune in to Radio Swiss Jazz or Radio Swiss Classic. Good stuff!


Site of Mike Reymond, Fiji's best rock guitarist. 4 free MP3 songs for download. Vinaka, Mike, for that Saturday in November 2004 when we recorded the blues (or do you still call it "making noise"?)
Michelle Rounds, the famous singer and songwriter born in Fiji has just released a newCD: A Matcha Chocolate Love Adventure. In the CD Coffee Time Jazz she also appears in duets with Cleve Douglas.
Really want to go to Fiji? Then you have to check out the Lawaki Beach House! It's a place where you can PLAY Robinson - excellently secluded. And a mix of Swiss and Fijian home-made cuisine.


Recently heard again the 3rd piano concerto of Rachmaninoff, played by Vladimir Horowitz in 1978. Some nice stuff about this version.


In my younger days, Wilhelm Backhaus was my favourite 'pianoman'. Of special interest to me was his Decca LP of 1958, playing the C minor piano concerto of Beethoven.


It is said that Arthur Rubinstein did not sign his work. In 1973 I was lucky that, after playing both Chopin piano concertos in the Zurich Tonhalle, he personally signed my LPs. You were one of the greatest, maestro!


It would be unfair to name another great pianist, Dinu Lipatti. His play of the Myra Hess adaptation of Bach's "Jesu, Joy of men's desiring" is out of this world.


While in high school I had the chance to learn organ at the Enge church in Zurich. My teacher was Erich Vollenwyder (at the same time Hans Vollenweider was playing at the Grossmünster). Not much stuff about this great organist on the web. Only found links to some of his students, Roswitha Hächler, Herbert Baumann, Daniela van Limburg Stirum, Margrit Fluor, just to name a few.


Während einer Grippekrankheit habe ich mich etwas mit Creationism, Intelligent Design und Gegnern der Evolutionstheorie belesen. Hier ein paar gute Links (hoffe, sie existieren noch):

Entwürfe in Gottes Namen (Die Zeit, 19/2003)

Der grosse Plan (SDZ, 2-3-2004)

Rezension & Replik auf "Evolution - ein kritisches Lehrbuch"

Rezension "Gott würfelt nicht"

Rezension "Propheten des Aberglaubens"

Hume, Paley & das Design Argument

Creationist's abstract on biology



